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The two key words which are important in infant potty training are consistency and persistence. You don’t have to be perfect the first time you try it on your child. Introduce this act to your child in a gradual manner and don’t forget to make it fun for your child as well. Here are potty … Continue reading "Infant Potty Training Tips and Tricks"
22.02.2016 - 19:37:23
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Babies can get scared when you prep them for real toilet training . Even so, there are ways on how to toilet train a baby without rushing him to it. Your kid will eventually switch from his diapers to underpants if you introduce the toilet training in a fun way. How to teach Your Baby … Continue reading "How to Toilet Train a Baby – The Four-Step Rule"
22.02.2016 - 19:35:29
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Potty training can be a tedious activity for most parents. Not only do they consider the readiness of their toddlers, they also have to take into account the proper attitude towards the training. How to start potty training could be that question of every doting parent. Remember that the training for every child may differ … Continue reading "How to Start Potty Training-The Basic Rule"
22.02.2016 - 19:34:26
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Your son may be a bit surprised to make a drastic change such as potty training. But, when he is ready, he would surely enjoy it and will feel proud about it. Before potty training your little boy, make sure that he is ready to do it or the process of training would be much … Continue reading "How to Potty Train Boys – Is It Time For a Change?"
22.02.2016 - 19:33:13
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Your little toddler is still wearing diapers? Yes, one of the earliest challenges of a parent is to potty train his or her kid. You have probably already done several attempts to no avail and are on the verge of giving up. Or perhaps you have not even started yet because you are totally clueless … Continue reading "Effective Potty Training Tips for Parents"
22.02.2016 - 19:32:05
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