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/template/media/country/de.gif code candies - funny source code comments lustige, witzige Quellcode Kommentare RSS - funny source code comment - ist eine Sammlung von lustigen, witzigen oder völlig deplatzierten Source Code Kommentaren oder Source Code Schnipseln.
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Hinzugefügt am 01.02.2010 - 21:15:10
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RSS-Feed - Einträge
Someone paid them
/* Outlook can't f*cking follow RFC if someone PAID them to do it... oh wait, someone paid them NOT to do it. */
28.09.2023 - 09:30:00
Dear future me
// this is mostly a modification of the "surplus hull" mission // dear future me: good luck figuring this one out, asshole
26.09.2023 - 09:30:00
Too scared
# I am not sure if we need this, but too scared to delete. ;)
21.09.2023 - 09:30:00
What’s wrong here
// F*cking f*ck sh*t code is not f*cking working and I have // no bloody idea what's wrong with it and I rewrote it to something // that looks different but does the same and guess what? // yes the bug is still happening. gahhhhhhhhhhhhh, // hopefully one day I will figure out what's wrong […]
19.09.2023 - 09:30:00
Thx Miika and Daniel
// I wrote this while drunk and then // Miika and Daniel fixed it for me.
14.09.2023 - 09:30:00
Bet on it
### No matter how tempted you may be DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION! ### (if you do, gstein will hunt you down and burn your knee caps off ### in the middle of the night) ### "Bet on it." --gstein
12.09.2023 - 09:30:00
It only get worse
/** * I feel so sorry for you. You dug through a huge pile of crap * until you have reached this comment. And some of this crappy * code is from me. Sorry for that. But you can surely believe me, * when I say it only get worse. */
07.09.2023 - 09:30:00
Better idea
/** * yeah this is really f*cking ugly but * till someone has a better idea, its goin' here * -beak */
05.09.2023 - 09:30:00
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Hinzugefügt am 10.07.2024 - 10:58:00
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Hinzugefügt am 01.06.2024 - 16:50:36
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Hinzugefügt am 28.05.2024 - 10:30:54
Kategorie: Recht RSS-Feed exportieren
/template/media/country/de.gif Blog der Kanzlei Mügge, Dr. Pitschel und Partner RSS
Der Blog der Kanzlei Mügge, Dr. Pitschel und Partner bietet Einblicke und Updates zu rechtlichen Themen, die für die Tätigkeitsbereiche des Strafrechts und Steuerrechts relevant sind.
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Hinzugefügt am 28.05.2024 - 10:05:09
Kategorie: Recht RSS-Feed exportieren